Thursday, July 23, 2015

Thursday July 23rd, 2015

Last day of class!! 

We'll read as much as we can and then write about it in class today. I'll also assign some extended homework for the students to complete during the rest of their break; don't worry, it will be fun!

  • Dialectical journal 
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Vocabulary
Dialectical Journal
Read entries aloud and discussed entries in class. Class assigned 10 journal entries Tuesday to complete; two entires from each chapter (6 - 10).


  1. exaggerating
  2. cringing
  3. ancient
  4. trumpet
  5. lurched
  6. traveler
  7. vaulter
  8. bracelet
  9. detailed 
  10. wack-a-doodle
Discussed Chapter's 8 - 10 aloud in class. Continue reading Chapter 11 and 12 from Soccerland, by Beth Choat.


  • Write a 12 sentence essay with beginning, middle, and end format and include correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and capitalization. Please make sure I can read your essay. 
  • Use 5 of the daily vocabulary words in your essay; please underline your vocabulary words. 
  • Tell me what happened in the story with your own words. Be sure to include the following answers (in complete sentences) in your essay: 
    • Describe the conversation Pa and Flora had after Coach Roy left. Describe the mood of the conversation, what Pa gave Flora, and why Pa gave Flora the gift. 
    • Describe Flora's ride on the bus and the interactions she had with the other athletes.
    • Describe the ISA. What athletes were there? What sports were practiced there? What was the experience like?
    • Describe Flora's roommate and Flora's experience checking in?
  1. Finish "Soccerland"
  2. Send me a final essay with 30 sentences. 
    • Include 10 vocabulary words from our previous lessons in your essay (please underline them).
    • You essay should have correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, along with correct structure (beginning, middle, end). 
    • In your essay, please tell me what happened in the final chapters. Did Flora make the team? Did Flora make friends? Was this a good experience? 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Tuesday July 21st, 2015


  • Dialectical journal 
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Vocabulary
Dialectical Journal
Read entries aloud and discussed entries in class. Class was assigned 8 journal entries last Thursday to complete; to entires from each chapter (2 - 5).


  1. heroine
  2. scholarship
  3. forfeit
  4. combination
  5. development
  6. opportunities
  7. self-conscious
  8. invitation
  9. passion
Discussed Chapter's 4 - 5 aloud in class. Continue reading Chapter 6 and 7 from Soccerland, by Beth Choat.


  • Write a 12 sentence essay with beginning, middle, and end format and include correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and capitalization. Please make sure I can read your essay. 
  • Use 5 of the daily vocabulary words in your essay; please underline your vocabulary words. 
  • Tell me what happened in the story with your own words. Be sure to include the following answers (in complete sentences) in your essay: 
    • Why did Flora's grandfather prefer potato picking by hand instead of using a machine? 
    • Why did Flora  decide it was better to keep her mouth shut when wanting to talk about playing soccer professionally? 
    • What news did Coach have to tell Flora? 
    • Describe what Pa though of Coach's news. 
    • What was Pa's final decision?  
  1. Read Chapter 8 and 10
  2. Write 10 entries in your journal; two for each chapter 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Thursday July 16th, 2015

Thursday July 16th, 2015


  • Class structure 
  • Survey responses 
  • Dialectical journal 
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Vocabulary
Dialectical Journal
Read entries aloud and discussed entries in class.


  1. hurled
  2. crested
  3. siblings
  4. furrows
  5. identification
  6. valuable
  7. hospital
  8. machines
  9. lobbed
  10. gathering
Discuss Chapter 1 and if any reading was done at home. Discuss any reading done at home aloud in class. Continue reading Chapter 2 and 3 from Soccerland, by Beth Choat.

  • Write a 12 sentence essay with beginning, middle, and end format and include correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and capitalization. Please make sure I can read your essay. 
  • Use 5 of the daily vocabulary words in your essay; please underline your vocabulary words. 
  • Tell me what happened in the story with your own words. Be sure to include the following answers (in complete sentences) in your essay: 
    • Explain Remi's and Flora's relationship.
    • Discuss Floa's ability to play soccer and her soccer dreams.
    • Why was potato picking so important for Flora, Remi, and the rest of the community, especially now? How did Flora feel about potato picking?
    • Why did Flora use Soccerland as an escape?
    • How did Flora's mom describe "Soccerland"? Why was Soccerland so important to Flora and her mom? 
  1. Read Chapter 4 and 5
  2. Write 8 entries in your journal; two for chapter 2, two for chapter 3, two for chapter 4, two for chapter 5.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Tuesday July 14th, 2015


Tuesday July 14th, 2015

First week of class! Class runs Tuesday and Thursdays, between 5:30pm and 6:30pm. 

Our first day in class covered introduction, expectations, structure, what book we will read, and how we will write.

Introduce Class Structure

Class Expectations
  • What students should expect from instructor, and what instructor inspects from students

Class survey handout and Discussion
  • Students provide their thoughts on reading and writing. Discussion to follow.

Journal and plot pyramid discussion
  • Go over dialectical journal information, its importance, and the instruction handouts.
  • Our class is expected to complete one journal entry on Monday night, and one journal entry on Wednesday night for homework.
  • Plot pyramid, correct spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar required in journal.

Review books to read and make selection as class
  • Went over LISD book list
  • Students selected Soccerland to read the next few class sessions!

Read Chapter 1, Aroostook, aloud in class.

Wrote a 10 sentence essay, pulling three words from Chapter 1 to include in writing.
Students to include answers to the following:
1. What school was number 1, and wo did they have to compete against?2. Why did the school have a half day?3. Why did Aroostook cancel the game?4. Why was Flora upset the game was canceled?5. Why did Flora not care if she was crushed?
What to expect in the next four days of class
  • Go over agenda for next 4 classes.
  • Squeezing in more into each class due to it only being 4 sessions instead of 6.

  • Finish essay
  • Read Chapter 2
  • Make 4 entries in the Dialectical Journal

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Thursday July 9th, 2015

Thursday July 9th, 2015

Last day of summer session part 1; I look forward to seeing the kids for summer session part 2!!

  1. affection
  2. pavement
  3. patterns 
  4. shuffling
  5. growled
  6. mistreated 
  7. decision
  8. complaint
  9. examine
  10.  neighborhood
Finish reading "Dog Days" by David Lubar , Chapters 4 through 8.

  • Write a 12 sentence essay with beginning, middle, and end format and include correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and capitalization. Please make sure I can read your essay. 
  • Use 5 of the daily vocabulary words in your essay; please underline your vocabulary words. 
  • Tell me what happened in the story with your own words. Be sure to include the following items (in complete sentences) in your essay: 
    • Explain Larry's relationship with Paul. What did Paul think of his brother and what did Larry think of Paul? 
    • Why did Larry need money so bad? Why did he just ask his parents for money? What did Larry do to collect money?
    • Discuss how Larry connected cycles and patterns to his life.
    • Describe Larry's plan and how it played out. 

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Tuesday July 7th, 2015

Tuesday July 7th, 2015

"Dog Days" arrived:
  • We are switching gears from "Chasing Vermeer" to our original selected book "Dog Days". 
  • "Dog Days" should be a quick read for the kids and we should be able to get back to "Chasing Vermeer" before class ends. 
  1. blending 
  2. startled 
  3. pleading 
  4. graffiti 
  5. aluminum 
  6. unstoppable 
  7. especially 
  8. homeless 
  9. misunderstanding 
  10. recycling 

Begin reading "Dog Days" by David Lubar , Chapters 1 through 3.

  • Write a 12 sentence essay with beginning, middle, and end format and include correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and capitalization. Please make sure I can read your essay. 
  • Use 5 of the daily vocabulary words in your essay; please underline your vocabulary words. 
  • Tell me what happened in the story with your own words. Be sure to include the following items (in complete sentences) in your essay: 
    • Who are the main characters of this story? Please describe them in detail. 
    • What did Larry think was one of the most wonderful things? 
    • What did Paul want from Larry? Describe Paul's imagination and some of the misunderstanding she tells Larry. 
    • What did Paul show Larry? 
    • Describe Larry's relationship with dogs. How many dogs did Larry have? What did Larry do for stray dogs?